Check out our review of Glassdoor, which you can use to compare salary averages and plan your negotiations.
Updated in 2023
- What does Glassdoor do?
- Who is Glassdoor for?
- What does Glassdoor cost?
- Ratings and reviews of Glassdoor
- Alternatives to Glassdoor
- How does Glassdoor compare to Pathrise?
What does Glassdoor do?
Glassdoor is an online tool meant to increase transparency in the job search. Through employee and candidate reviews, Glassdoor provides information on company culture, salaries, interview questions, benefits, and office photos. They also have job postings by city and title.
Users can search for average salaries across companies, roles, and locations. Then, the platform breaks it down further by industry, company size, and years of experience. This helps candidates get a clear picture of the average salary to expect. Candidates can also compare by specific company, which is very helpful for negotiation because they can leverage this data when asking for an increase. For more information on how to negotiate, check out our guide and email templates.
Beyond salaries, Glassdoor also includes employee reviews of the company culture and their experience working there. Candidates can also review their interviews and application experience. You can check out the page for salary and benefit information, open positions, and office photos as well.
Who is Glassdoor for?
With resources for both candidates and current employees, Glassdoor can benefit almost anyone who is looking for help with their job applications, interviews, and negotiation. It is a great tool for people who are looking to do research and get a better sense of company culture and average salaries.
What does Glassdoor cost? How much work is involved?
For users, Glassdoor is free. A lot of information can be seen without creating an account. But, in order to get access to all of the job openings, reviews, salaries, and interview questions, you need to make an account using Facebook or Google. Users can also get a personalized salary estimate based on their skillset and background.
Ratings and reviews
Glassdoor has millions of monthly users. The main reviews of the tool are concerning the accuracy of the reviews. Sometimes companies have HR or internal employees write reviews to mask negative reviews or to get candidates in the door when the company is actually not doing well. There are also some reports that they hide negative reviews if they are against their policy, but the policy seems to be a little vague.
Alternatives to Glassdoor
- Paysa is an online tool that helps people determine their worth. It can be useful when negotiating salaries at new positions or raises in their current roles. Users can search for average salaries across companies, roles, and locations. Then, they can analyze their offers based on that market data.
- Users can also take a look at Payscale. They can enter a job title, years of experience, and location as well as technologies, certifications, school, degree, and other demographic information to get a personal pay snapshot where they see their market value and variable options. They can also search by position, company, school, and degree to see average salaries.
- If you are looking to learn more about specific company processes and technologies, you can check out Rooftop Slushie. This is a new platform where job-seekers can ask questions and employees answer them. Users pay what they think is fair for the answers.
How does Glassdoor compare to Pathrise?
Glassdoor provides compensation data, employee reviews, interview questions, salaries, benefits, and office photos for job-seekers to use when researching companies. It is extremely helpful to have a good background on the company before applying, interviewing, and negotiating.
Pathrise makes use of this information and additional data when we work with our job-seekers through each stage of their job search. On average, job-seekers in our program get 3x as many responses to their applications, interview scores that double, and a 10-20% increase in salary through negotiation alone.
Specifically, we work with candidates on optimizing their resumes and online profiles and preparing for technical and behavioral interviews, as well as negotiation tactics for offers. Through group sessions, technical peer assessments, and our forum, job-seekers get an opportunity to meet and collaborate with people like them. We represent the candidates, which means that we can help connect them with any and all companies.
Pathrise is a career accelerator that works with students and professionals 1-on-1 so they can land their dream job in tech. With our tips and guidance, our fellows have seen a 10-20% lift in salary through negotiation alone.
If you want to work with any of our mentors 1-on-1 to get help with your negotiations or any other aspect of the job search, join Pathrise.
Apply today.